Living a Gluten Free Lifestyle
Being diagnosed with Celiac Disease can be very overwhelming. In my case, I would get very sick after almost every meal I ate for as long as i could remember. I was misdiagnosed with Chron's Disease when I was 22, but none of the treatments helped me and I continued to get sick. After seeing yet another doctor to try to get help, he suggested that I get tested for Celiac Disease, something that I never even heard of. When it was confirmed that I had Celiac I was given a sheet of paper that had a list of gluten-free foods, and was told that Celiac Disease is not curable and the only thing I can do is stick with a strict gluten-free diet. Going on a diet sounds easy enough, right? Once you figure out just how many foods have gluten it is rather hard to stick to. Unfortunately, like a normal diet you can't just cheat here or there and get away with it. When a Celiac cheats on a diet you get very sick. One way to stick to a gluten-free diet is to find replacements for ma...