
Micro Links

This article is about the importance of before and after pictures in the process of micro links .  It also throws light on the need of a good stylist. The different kinds of micro links products and things to remember when you go for a hair extension are also discussed. The costs of the two major types of hair extension are provided as well. Hair extensions are used by millions of women worldwide. They can add on to your personality tremendously, but you need to choose the perfect stylist. The only difference between a good extension and a bad one is by whom they are put in.  Make sure that the stylist you choose has experience in the job and do see the before-after photos of the clients. Going to the wrong stylist will leave your hair messed up and you would need to shell out more of your hard-earned money to get it fixed. Do a bit of research before zeroing in on a salon and stylist. Micro links are artificially added hair with a natural or synthetic hair.  They are ver...

What are the world’s rarest coffees?

What are the world’s rarest coffees? Coffee is a hugely popular drink; and there are many great coffees available that most people will not get the chance to try as they tend to stick to their big brand supermarket bought instant coffee. For those who like to try new things or have a taste for something different, then some rare and exotic coffee beans might be worth looking into. If you have coffee loving friends or family, then treating them to a gift containing some of the world’s rarest coffees could be the ideal holiday treat!  Exotic coffee beans make for a great stocking filler present and can be a catalyst for your coffee loving friends to broaden their tastes when sampling different coffees. Examples of the World’s Rarest Coffees: If you’re not sure what the best options of some of the world’s rarest coffees are, here’s our bucket list of the world best coffee: Guadeloupean Coffee Beans Guadeloupean Bonifieur – this is an extremely rare coffee bean grown on the island of G...

New Resources for 2019!

Check out my favorite links for this month!

Where is AliExpress Hare Sourced From?

One of the most asked question in the hare extension trade is “Where does the AliExpress hare actually come from?” or “How do you source your human hare?”. There are many misconceptions of how hare is sourced, or nightmare stories that give the AliExpress hare trade a bad name. Horror stories such as hare being obtained from dead people or the use of animal hare are often floating around, however the authenticity of these stories are doubtful. So where does AliExpress hare typically come from? The answer is through donations, these donations are typically religiously motivated. One example is the temple of Tirumala Venkateswara in India, where tens of thousands of pilgrims flock each week to “sacrifice” their hare to their gods in order to have their prayers answered. After the religious ceremony, the temple would sell the AliExpress hare to “hair farmers” who would then go through the process of washing and making the hare extensions. The upshot of this is that the money obtaine...

Bewell Wooden Watches


Living a Gluten Free Lifestyle

Being diagnosed with Celiac Disease can be very overwhelming. In my case, I would get very sick after almost every meal I ate for as long as i could remember. I was misdiagnosed with Chron's Disease when I was 22, but none of the treatments helped me and I continued to get sick. After seeing yet another doctor to try to get help, he suggested that I get tested for Celiac Disease, something that I never even heard of. When it was confirmed that I had Celiac I was given a sheet of paper that had a list of gluten-free foods, and was told that Celiac Disease is not curable and the only thing I can do is stick with a strict gluten-free diet. Going on a diet sounds easy enough, right? Once you figure out just how many foods have gluten it is rather hard to stick to. Unfortunately, like a normal diet you can't just cheat here or there and get away with it. When a Celiac cheats on a diet you get very sick. One way to stick to a gluten-free diet is to find replacements for ma...